
Probably the weirdest post to date.

And hopefully as weird as it ever gets. I had a thought tonight whilst watching African Cats with a couple of good friends:

Wouldn't it be better if us guys had our ball junk internally? I mean, boy, that would really solve a lot of pain issues. I see no reason this wouldn't be better. It would all be routed the same, just internally. Sure, you'd still want to wear a cup, still gotta protect #1, but it's not like the twins actually do anything. Kinda just hang there and get in the way.

I'll probably regret posting this in the morning. But it's not morning yet. So enjoy. And yeah, hopefully this is as...oddball (get it? Puns) as it gets. So no need to get.... teste (get it?). I'm going to go hit the sack now (get it?) or hit the hay as it were. Testicles.


UPDATE 5/16/11 Indeed I do regret posting this. But I can't take it down at this point. It's not how I roll.